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  1. Feeding America

    On November 10, Vanderloop Shoes Inc employees and families volunteered to scoop and bag food at Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin. In less than 3 hours we scooped and sorted 7,000 lbs of donated pasta - which equals 5,833 meals! 

    Feeding America

  2. Metatarsal Guards 101

    Metatarsal guard footwear (commonly known as met guards) are worn to protect the metatarsal area of your footwear (see image). Met guard boots feature a safety toe and a met guard to enhance the foot protection of the wearer.


    Met guards are designed with an extra piece of metal or fiberglass that lays over the top of your foot. This serves as a safe guard to protect more of the footwear versus a regular safety toe.


    Met guards come in several different styles including internal (built into the shoe) or external. Neither style is necessarily safer - it is up to customer preference which feels better or is best for their work environment.


    Vanderloop Shoes carries met guard footwear from brands like Carolina, Timberland, Georgia Boot, Keen, Iron Age, Reebok, Dr Martens, Michelin and more.

    Bones in the Foot

Monthly Archives: December 2018